Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Program Description

I created a link to information about my study abroad program in the tabs underneath the blog header. Click "Program Description/Information" towards the top of the page for dates, pictures, locations, and information on how to apply if you are interested. 

Departure Countdown: 45 Days

(maxi)Million Maxi Skirts!

Lately, I've been especially worried about what to wear in Europe. In the meetings I have attended and the research I have done I found that people in Europe do not wear shorts. Wearing shorts abroad is a great way to make yourself stand out as an American! The goal is to NOT look American because you may become a target for ridicule, harassment, and theft. In addition, wearing bright colors and patterns is an American style that will also flag you as American. The suggested style for a hot day is a subtly colored maxi skirt/dress.

I'm all about that life. Don't have to shave my legs? Are you kidding me?!

Because I am still at school and do not have the time, means, or funds to shop for Europe as much as I'd like, I again have taken to Pinterest. I have been hella-inspired by some of these styles and thought I'd share some of my favorites. Some of these styles feature a little more color than suggested... but let's think outside of the box.

Departure Countdown: 46 Days

I started this blog 46 days early for two reasons:

1) I need to organize my thoughts.
2) People are getting sick of me constantly talking about Europe. 

Just like how I know I will inevitably be a cat lady, I know that I will be the girl that comes back from studying abroad and talks about nothing but what it was like in Europe. I don't care. Down with the haters. I'M GOING TO EUROPE! Everyday that I am closer to leaving, it hits me a little more. Unfortunately, that is accompanied by fear and anxiety. I have been coping by taking to Pinterest. I keep finding inspiring quotes and style ideas that take the edge off of the fear that I will get there and immediately want to go home.

On Saturday, all of the study abroad students had to go to a mandatory meeting. While most of the information was commonsensical and dull, the meeting started off with a quote that really got to me.

Take a minute to wrap your head around that... 

Woah. Can I get an amen? Can I get a hell yeah? Amen and hell-to-the-yeah. Seeing as how I am not at all comfortable flying alone, being in foreign countries, traveling alone, not having friends, and doing pretty much anything... I guess this is where my life begins.