Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Celebrity Guest Post: Cindy Lude

Today's post is a copy of the email my mom sent me in response to reading my blog. I think she had some good information and want to share it. Without further ado, here is Cindy Lude's take on European travel etiquette:

In the spirit of enjoying your trip vicariously myself, I started compiling (or "blogging," if you will) a list of travel tips you may find useful. Here's what I've got so far:

1.  In England, if you say, "I  can't find my pants," you have just announced to everyone around you that your underwear is missing.  Instead, say "I can't find my TROUSERS."  Better yet, keep your pants in your trousers and/or your mouth shut. 

2.  Don't say "bloody" too much. It's the same as saying "f**k" here .

3.  "Fanny" refers not to your bum, but to your lady part. A "fanny pack" is just wrong on so many levels. 

4.  It rains a lot in England. Bring a raincoat (called a "Mac", short for Macintosh), wear rain boots and carry an umbrella Ella Ella. 

5.  It's rude to tip your waiter, cab driver or hairdresser.  Decent service for a fair wage is implied. If the service sucks, you'll live. Get over it. 

6.  Don't take mini-cabs; they're a ripoff. 

7.  "Ale" is not ginger ale and "cider" is not apple cider, at least not the kind you're thinking of.  Also, Coke tastes different there.

8.  Don't accept food or drinks from strangers on a train or anywhere else. Stick with bottled water. 

9.  Europe is a continent but England is an island, part of the British isles. You may be quizzed on this. 

More to come...

Thank you, mommalah!

1 comment:

  1. I'm gobsmacked and honored! Love your blog. Keep it up! By the way, here's another tip: Don't draw attention to your American birth by wearing gym shoes in public. Save them for the gym. There's a reason Brits call them "trainers". Also, another link I thought you might like: xxxooo


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