Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Departure Countdown: 2 days





Like everyone else that is or has ever been in my position, it has not yet hit me that I am leaving. Although I have done all of the preparatory work and have nothing to do until I leave, I still think of my flight as being a glimmer in the distant future. I am unsure whether that is a good or a bad thing. I also have no idea what this trip will be like, which makes it difficult to prepare emotionally. Nonetheless, I leave in roughly 55 hours.

By packing and preparing early, I have given myself free time to relax and say my goodbyes until I leave. My schedule is packed with lunches, sleepovers, and skype sessions with my friends and family. It is quite bittersweet but I could not be happier that I am leaving.

1 comment:

  1. Reading your blog, watching your vlogs, I am filled with pride. Not a shocker, since I’m your mom and that’s my prerogative. Plus you’ve always made it so easy, what with being so bright, thoughtful and caring all the time.

    From the day you spoke your first words, you’ve been precisely articulate: "Jacob hurt me." Precociously empathetic: "Mom, your job might be easier if you got an eight pound Oreck." Reflective: "You really can’t cry while you’re eating a Pop Tart." And wise beyond your years: "I think I’ll trick-or-treat as a cranky old man."

    But even discounting for the Mom Inflation Factor, you’re off the charts. You are fortunate to be possessed of many gifts but purposeful and good in how you use them. That is the true measure of character and it transcends parentage.

    I have loved watching your excitement grow on this blog as you prepare to leave. Of course I will miss you, and I’ll worry every minute you’re away. But I know that nothing about this trip will be wasted on you--including the fact that it’s just part of a larger journey. And I can’t wait to hear what unique insights you’ll be bringing back from this one.

    Bittersweet? You bet. Bon voyage! And don’t forget to blog. xxxooo


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